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It assumes, standes out Polanyi, ' ' naive the transformation of the natural substance and human being of the society in mercadorias' ' , thanks to a device, the self-regulating market, that tends, inevitably, ' ' to break the relations human beings and (…) to verwhelm the natural habitat of homem' '. (LOWY, 2005:67). The relations, inside of this context, cannot be and they are not harmonic, therefore they are in game opposing interests. Thus, we are ' ' prximos' ' at the same time, ' ' distantes' ' ; ' ' saying same lngua' ' , but also ' ' incomunicveis' ' ; ' ' livres' ' , however living ' ' freedom of mercado' ' , that is, ' ' liberdade' ' inside of what it imprisons in them. We can say, therefore, that if at the beginning of our constitution the unit was primordial; inside of this current society, this, does not become possible. We live, thus, in antagonistic social classrooms, therefore, the groups are not homogeneous, nor ' ' lutam' ' for common objectives, even so it has on the part of the system, an attempt to mask the contradictions that if present. Of any form, the trend, as it affirms Axe (2010), is that the tensions appear and increase, although all the pacifying speech: In the measure where the hegemonic actions and politics if develop, extend the contradictions, the exclusion and the social segregation, territorial and ambient of ampler popular social contingents, the trend is that the social, territorial and ambient conflicts grow although the speech of harmony and peace in cities (2010, p.9). Henri Acselrad still points the question of the ambient injustice in the cities (2009, p.8), where it brings the inaqualities in the area between the different countries. Thus, according to this last author, the countries poor suffer more with the ambient inaqualities and are at the mercy of of the indifference of the great companies and corporations, that ' ' preferem' ' to poluir in these places, ironically, for having costs there ' ' more baixos' ' for the polluting agents.

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