Home » 2020 » May

Side Quality

The role of practising physicians from patient point of view changed: instead of experts referring to you health care professional are looking for. Adherent care to meet this development, need medical analysis and control systems such as the adherence dashboard. The patients desire, not only about disease and treatment options, but also about the prescribed medications in detail to be informed, is now no more a trend, but a manifest trend. The practice management must meet this requirement. But before actionist measures be implemented, practitioners of the Status quo of their patient orientation should determine. A triadisch scale patient survey helps here.

It determines the General Praxisleistungs quality (Organization, care, practical atmosphere etc.) – the doctor patient communication quality (comprehensibility, dialog orientation, use of explanatory tools etc.), as well as – the drugs quality of advice (information about effects, Side effects, interactions, etc.). The survey Trias so that not only informs, to what extent the practice staff generally meets the requirements of patients, but also, how effective are the treatment and medication-related communication. The results summarized to an adherence dashboard (percentage values = achieved satisfaction in relation to the requirements), that indicates that the adherence promotion potential of all practical work. As a result, then concrete improvement approaches can be developed, an option that is extremely important for the therapy of chronically ill patients, such as hypertensive. The example of a doctor’s Office (see below!) listed in the figure indicates an acceptable practice management quality, but a little communication and a lower quality of drugs advice so that the adherence effect is total only slightly pronounced. In this practice, the probability of therapy crashes by patients is comparatively high. The topic: adherence initiative to 2014 the drug therapy, the unknown creature…

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