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But one is not to feel excluded from autoaprendizage, if one does not accede to Internet. He is but one, in fact it begins to feel excluded from the possibilities of the book reading (in libraries or not) and the broadcasting of short wave, when it occupies its free time in sailing soon in the Internet and in reading, which recogio in those navigations. As always serious ideal a harmonious distribution of the time between the three main possibilities, leaving by all means to the sufficient time for the reflection and meditation, that must follow the pick up of the information or the knowledge. In the case of autoaprendizage, the dilemma also considers enters the knowledge class to acquire. Perceiving autoaprendizage like a modality oriented to the adults, it would seem that same it must be oriented reason why but it excites the concrete interested one. In my opinion there is knowledge nor no useless information. Everything educates. And not only it educates the study, but the same life.

Or it is idle if they educate but and better sciences, the arts or the movement. It educates so much to play soccer, like painting a picture like making a calculation mathematical, but they educate much more if we make the three things the human beings, we have almost in exclusive feature, the capacity to think. And I say almost, because Lorentz, with its studies on the conduct of the animal, leaves thinking indeed us on the individual. And there is a discipline, that studies the story thoughts such, that is known it like logic, and whose first systematic treatment, realises Aristotle, in its work ” Organon” , it does but of 2300 anuses. Although the man since he is man thinks.

Any knowledge acquisition is a logical operation. When we spoke or we wrote, we conduct operations logical. To write a phrase, is so logical operation as to make an account to multiply. It is so already in the last century, the mathematicians reached the conclusion, that his elaborations were not but logical operations, and the logical ones reached the conclusion that his were mathematical calculations. All this potential of logical development, that each of us owns to belong to the human species, is cultivated when one reads a book, when it listens to radio hearing, when a letter writes, when it talks with another one, when a party plays of you displace, or when it touches the guitar. Meaning that the modalities of cultural elevation are varied. And that global capacity to reason, can be applied to solve concrete situations. It also does not prevent that studying things you practice for each, development the logical capacity of each. The motivations that get at each to orient themselves towards each field of the knowledge, are inconceivable and money changers according to the circumstances and stages of each existence. In this perspective of autoaprendizage, the only limitations put each with their desire. Of there the value of the will like power superior of the soul. This reflection that I share with the possible readers of the same, cannot nor must have a closed end, rather this abierto to reflections and/or attitudes that can provoke. Each has within if intelligence and will necessary to adapt to the changing situations of our cotidianidad.

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