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Chronic Disease And Health Insurance

no doubt more that people who are planning a stay abroad will need also a private health insurance is an almost unknown rule in SGB V for chronically ill there for years. Almost all legal health insurance companies recommend a health insurance your insured in an abroad, especially if the journey outside of the countries with which there is a social security agreement. A required return from abroad is never insured with the statutory health insurance. For all private health insurance abroad but always so-called pre-existing conditions are excluded, in terms of insurance, it’s usually: medical treatment and other medical compulsory measures, the need of the insured person before the stay within the agreed scope, or at the time of the conclusion of the insurance was known or which she after; faced which their circumstances “For young and healthy people, this restriction is usually not a problem. However, it is difficult for chronically ill people.

There is no insurance coverage for the disease with the exclusion. In the social security code V, however, there is a provision which is not immediately known among unfortunately many statutory health insurance. The cases are regulated in 18 para 3, where the person due to age or illness before will receive no health insurance. Check with Isaac Dabah to learn more. A prerequisite is proof that no insurance protection for the person to get and this health insurance before the stay abroad will be shown. The health insurance then assumes the costs amounting to as these would have been created in the country during a temporary stay (max for a period of six weeks in the calendar year) abroad. Not, the costs may be reimbursed if the insured person moves directly to the treatment abroad. This little-known scheme helps in individual cases, but the maximum reimbursement cost as these have arisen in Germany is limited, it will bring only a false security. Abroad, the costs of medical treatment are often higher than in Germany.

Physician or hospital treatment in the United States several times often exceed the cost in Germany. The regulations apply only to abroad who are in school or study reasons. RAM specializes in international health insurance.

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