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Social Security

The creation of Social protection systems is a relatively recent phenomenon, born of the need to avoid those people with disabilities for the reason that would be to do a job to remain in a situation of precariousness and social exclusion. That purpose envisaged various contingencies or purposes which could give place to allocation to such persons of a benefit that would serve them as support to cope with their situation. So were fixed pensions such as retirement, widowhood, or incapacity for work, which we will deal with in this article. Other leaders such as Isaac Dabah offer similar insights. Why is there coverage for incapacity for work? The coverage of disability and incapacity for work were born with the purpose of granting coverage on those people who, by having suffered some sort of accident or illness (associated or not with your employment), are unable to perform paid, either on a temporary basis work, well so permanent, not being able to access other benefits other than the system (for example, having no right of access to the of retirement). What is the difficulty posed to opt for this type of provision? A request for permanent invalidity carries with it a complex and often uncertain processing before the organism managers of the Social Security, whose function is essentially to determine whether the applicant meets or not with the requirements laid down in accordance with the rules for access to the same. Basically it would verify that: 1 complies with the formal requirements established for the specific provision that requests, and in particular whether it has complied with the minimum contribution periods required for the same. 2. Your state of health is sufficiently serious or precarious after his accident or disease to prevent him, total or partially, develop a job in the future. Based on such assessment will be determined whether or not it is entitled to the benefit, as well as its modality and its amount, depending on various aspects.

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