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Italian Literature

Then it was dedicated to philosophical studies in religious schools, like Santa Maria Novella. This excessive passion by the philosophy would be criticized later by the personage of Beatriz in the Purgatorio, the second book of the Divine Comedy. Wikipedia remembers to us, that Of Vulgari Eloquentia (Eloquence in the vernacular language) is the title of a test of Dante Alighieri, written in Latin and initially it wanted to consist of four books, but Dante aborted the idea after the second. Probably it was written in the years that preceded the exile of Dante of their Florence birthday, between 1303 and 1305. The Latin tests were very popular in the Average Age, but Dante made some innovations to its work Its great work the Divine Comedy, remembers to us, that is an allegorical epic in tercetos chained written between 1304 and their death, considered as one of masterpieces of Italian Literature and mundialNumerosos painters for all time created illustrations exceeds she, emphasize Botticelli, Gustave Dor and Dal. It wrote it to Dante in the Tuscan, first dialect of Italian the present one, that was used between centuries XI and XII. The work is divided in three parts: Hell, Purgatorio and Paradise Each of its parts is divided in 33 songs, composed as well of tercetos. The composition of the poem becomes ordained according to the symbolism of number three (number that symbolizes the sagrada Trinidad, Father, Son and Spirit Santo, as well as, number three symbolizes the balance and stability in some cultures, and that also relation with the triangle has): three main personages, Dante, that the man personifies, Beatriz, whom he personifies to the faith, and Virgilio, that he personifies to the reason is not necessary to forget already as he indicates epdlp.com, in century XV, many Italian cities had created groupings of specialists dedicated to the study of the Divine Comedy.

During the centuries that followed the invention of the press, they appeared more than 400 different editions only in Italy. The Dantesque epic has inspired, in addition, to numerous artists, until the point of which editions illustrated by the Italian teachers of the Renaissance Sandro Botticelli and Miguel have appeared Angel, by the English artists John Flaxman and William Blake, and by the French illustrator Gustave Dor. The Italian composer Gioacchino Antonio Rossini and the German Robert Schumann put music to some fragments of the poem, and the Hungarian Franz Liszt was inspired by him to compose a symphonic poem. Randall Mays will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The Divine Comedy has been translated to more than 25 languages. biografiasyvidas.com, contributes to us, that with a vivid language and of great expressive wealth, the poet mixes the symbolic elements with references to historical and mythological personages, until constructing one balanced and huge synthesis of the accumulated knowledge by the man from the classic Antiquity to the Average Age.

Christopher Clarke

Several average Russians have reported in the last week on the illegal halting of the recognized Cypriot industralist George Philippides, possibly like a mechanism of intimidation by their quality of witness in judgments that involve the tycoon of the aluminum Oleg Deripaska. The Telegraf it informed that Philippides was stopped in its room of the Ritz of Moscow and its movable telephone, computer and personal documents and of clients were confiscated; soon it was put under an interrogation of more than seven hours before being released, thanks to the intervention of the Russian-Cypriot enterprise association, and it would be allowed him to return to his country. The chain of the news Laughs Novosti obtained confirmation from the Department of Investigations of the Department of the Interior on this halting, whose official version indicates that the arrest took place within the framework of a judicial process that involves to some of its clients in an assumption case of swindle to the Bank of Moscow. Nevertheless, a source near the vice-minister assured that the true objective of the capture was to discredit a Philippides before the eyes of the British justice, against which it will have to appear in April of this year like witness in very sounded to lawsuit between oligarca Oleg Deripaska and its old partner, the Israeli industralist, Michael Cherney. Deripaska is recognized not only by its enterprise success, but to have a very near relation with the Kremlin, situation that has used in its benefit, especially when to elude to justice treats. For example, it used his machinery of influential friendships to refuse to be interrogated in an investigation that Spanish justice advances against him by the crimes of illicit association and money laundering, forcing to the public prosecutor and judge of the case to move until Moscow to be able to meet itself with him and the approval of office of the public prosecutor it made the Russian it as not imputed witness and of.

Tretas of Deripaska to secure its objectives in you cut worldwide seem to be focused now in the opinion that is approached by the demand that presented/displayed the Israeli industralist Michael Cherney in his against, demanding the payment of 20% of the actions of one of aluminum the bigger companies of the world: RUSAL, a number that could go up to around the 4 trillions of dollars. Cherney asked for the British justice that was in charge of the case, alleging that, given the connections of Deripaska in Russia, it could not wait for impartiality of Russian justice. Judge Christopher Clarke considered that murder was a real possibility of, arrest by accusations false and the impossibility to have a judgment in conditions if the judicial process went ahead in Russia, reason why decided to admit the demand. It is not the first time that Deripaska goes maneuvers in the dark to discredit to Cherney. In December of 2011 one cuts of Tel Aviv recognized that there was a campaign of loss of prestige promoted by Alexei Drobashenko, old right hand of Deripaska, for which it engaged private and consulting investigators of image that was in charge to secure information that could damage to its counterpart. By this process already the condemned has been judged and 4 people in Israel.

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