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Medical Devices

Andrew Kramer nevoton companies produced stand-alone medical device Nevoton Elan for the magnetic influence – a unique device, which consists of a specially formed permanent magnetic space, having a low frequency pulse current and nekogerrentnogo monochromatic energy flux. This triad allows a fairly frequent intervals to obtain relief from pain in the lower back, stiffness in the movements, remove excruciating pain and swelling in joints, to restore healthy appearance of the skin, eliminate inflammation of colds. Stand-alone medical device Nevoton Elan for the magnetic effects shows the therapeutic effect for different nature of inflammation, has a marked analgesic effect, soothing effect and dilates blood vessels, affecting both the superficial lesions, and on being deep tissue, restores energy processes in the bodies, accelerating the recovery of the whole organism. In applying the apparatus of the final outcome of treatment are the most resilient and durable. Autonomous medical device Nevoton Elan for the magnetic effects can easily save you from debilitating lower back pain. Stand-alone medical device Nevoton Elan for the magnetic effect will eliminate the inflammation and irritation in diseases. This is a wonderful assistant in the revival of a healthy looking skin. Stand-alone medical device Nevoton Elan for the magnetic effects qualitatively exhausting help relieve pain in the joints and stiffness in the fingers.

Autonomous medical device Nevoton Elan for the magnetic effect is not allowed to apply to pregnant women, with cancer, during the complicated disorders of coronary circulation, with the existence of implanted pacemaker with a tendency to bleeding in systemic blood diseases; if you are hypersensitive, as well as inflammation of the walls of veins, accompanied by the formation of thrombus. Autonomous medical device Nevoton Elan for the magnetic effect is easy to use. It can only squeeze a problem area, turn and hold it for ten – fifteen minutes or move to a painful place. For ten – fifteen minutes will be painful and ten – fifteen procedures will remove inflammation and swelling. Load of the set individually. After graduating from medical activities Autonomous Medical device Nevoton Elan for the magnetic effect off using automation. With the help of an audio signal is determined by the disappearance of the contact device with the human body. Weight, not more than 80 grams.

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