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Walter Benjamin

As consequence had a social status (that he was not estatus) to count or to bring for the place what it was of it are. These nomads with the time if had also fixed, and exactly fixed, they did not have more knowledge, but, they had its proper histories of life to count. Its knowledge, its experiences. This behavior of the primitive man in the sample the interest of the man of if fixing through the times not of a material, but, ideological and cultural form. For Walter Benjamin ' ' the experience that passes of person the person is the source the one that had appealed to all narradores' '.

After much time the reality of the narrator it takes projection literary and all the context that is atrelado it had been extended, had been systemize, the figure, as much of that counts (narrative) as of the listener (narratrio) is not more accepted of a passive form of what it was before. The narrative, that during as much time blossomed in a way of craftsman? in the field, in the sea and the city -, it is proper, in a certain direction, an artisan form of communication. It is not interested in transmitting ' ' pure in si' ' of the told thing as an information or a report. It dives the thing in the life of the narrator for after that removing it of it. Thus the mark of the narrator is printed in the narrative, as the hand of the potter in the clay of the vase. (Walter Benjamin. Magic and technique, art and politics: The narrator, consideraes on the workmanship of Nikolai Leskov.

7 ed. SP: brasiliense, 1994. p 204). With the globalization the exclusiveness is taken off of the narrator to know the world what it makes consequentemente with that the listener (narratrio) assumes a questionadora position, operating in the heard speech. Ahead of this, to be heard the narrator it adopts diverse forms to tell. Such dynamism reflects in the understanding of the message of a fictitious workmanship. But, as before, a thing remains unalterable: all speech, all text of one forms generality, either literary it or scientific it has a utilitarian function. This utility can consist either of a moral teaching, either of one practical suggestion, either in an saying or a norm of life? in any way, the narrator is a man whom he knows to give advice. (Walter Benjamin. Magic and technique, art and politics: The narrator, consideraes on the workmanship of Nikolai Leskov. 7 ed. SP: brasiliense, 1994. p 200). Therefore then, made this historical retrospect of the narratividade and with this ratified utilitarian intention she is necessary to emphasize that, by means of these two inherent elements to the narrative is possible to make a deeper analysis of a literary text, or as it was said, of any speech. A time that, both, ' ' narratrio narrator/can assume diverse positions and functions and that such variations reflect in the understanding of the message.

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