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The choice of treatment for an affective disorder in a child depends on many factors; the personality of the child, the nature of the problem, the willingness of the family to participate in treatment, family economic resources and, frequently, the orientation of the professional who is consulted in the first instance. Psychological treatment can take several forms. In some situations the parents must be present, as in family therapy. Here the therapist observes the family as a whole, the way they interact and points out their working patterns, which both help as those who do not. The child, whose problems are forcing the family to resort to therapy is sometimes, paradoxically the healthiest Member but who responds to a problematic family situation. Through this therapy parents can confront their own differences and begin to resolve them; they are also the first to begin to solve the problems of the child.

In individual psychotherapy therapist attends children one-on-one to help them to increase the knowledge of their own personality and their relationships and to interpret their feelings and behaviors. This can be useful in a phase of great stress in the life of the child, as the death of one of their parents, even when the child did not give signs of disturbance. Child Psychotherapy is more effective when combined with counseling to parents. In therapy behavioral principles of learning theory are used to change behavior: seeks to eliminate the undesirable behaviors and develop the desirable. A behavioral psychologist does not seek the reasons that lie behind the conduct (unlike psychodynamic or psychoanalytic therapy), and its main objective is the change the behavior. During the years 80s increased the use of drug therapy to combat the emotional problems of childhood. Currently the antidepressants are formulated for severe conditions of the mood and in cases where the child has not responded well to other alternative therapies that many drugs cause effects collateral and in many cases, only reduce unwanted symptoms without eliminating the real cause that produces them. Psychological therapy is generally very helpful, to the point that even with medication altering, his employment should not delete psychotherapy. If you want to know more about this topic and others of psychology, or if you want to make me a free and personalized online consultation enters original author and source of the article

Great Mystery

To dream that great mystery is this? You wise person who To dream is not privilege only of the men? Therefore he is, the animals also dream. Nobody knows to explain of a simple form because we dream. The dream is intriguing and fascinates the people. Some believe that dreaming either the form created for God to disclose it humanity disclosing future events. Adam, for example, was knowing through the dream that would have a wife, and when he woke up knew Eva. Noah, Abrao, Isaac, Jac, Esa, Jose, Efraim, Abimelec, Labo, Moses, Salomo, Davi, Elias and many other Biblical personages such as: kings, bakers, cooks, shepherds, agriculturists, prophet, had received divine messages through the dreams.

The man who does not dream, is as the man who not transpira. Since the antiquity the dream is part of the life human being. It is in the antiquity that the dreams were dealt with very serious form. Between some peoples to have a good dream, to have a good governor, they were signals of that God was blessing that people. Also the popular crendice existed that if a man was seven days without dreaming age because God if had forgotten it. Another religious belief on the dreams was that Gods or the espritos ordered messages during the dreams. You can have many dreams to have a proper house, an car, to make a trip, or the conquest of an ideal, or any another thing.

The important one is you to believe its dreams, to know interprets them to be able itself to arrive there: The Accomplishment of its dreams. When interpreting a dream must be had care in its analyzes. People exist who if refuse to accept that what dreams is on to the life of the day-day, or the had facts that still are in its memory. If the dream will be a good dream twists that this dream becomes reality. The interpreted dream meets its meaning. All dream has an interpretation. To know more on the meaning of the dreams it has asked for ebook ' ' As To earn in the Loteria' ' &#039 folloies ebook; ' As to interpret its sonhos' '. You must have perceived that the old ones gave to much value to this aspect of the life human being who is TO DREAM. We who we are modern do not have to neglect the dream. He follows in front and he carries through its dreams.

Samsung C3212 Duos

SAMSUNG has successfully extends the range of phones Samsung Duos. Mobile phone Samsung C3212 Budget Phone has among his 'fellow' Duos. Samsung C3212 – this is the first budget Duos. Phone as simple as possible, in this case, it is easy to use and copes with its main task, that is, to work simultaneously on two different networks of mobile operators. In the Samsung C3212 Duos comfortably work two SIM-cards, the management regime of the two SIM-cards brought to mind and is very simple. S3212 Duos housing is made from high quality plastic and has no metallic elements. Phone fits comfortably in your hand, it is compact and thin enough. The display is not great, just 2 inches, 128×160 pixels.

And this is despite the fact that all manufacturers are trying to keep a minimum standard of 320×240 pixels. But do not forget that the S3212 Duos is a budget phone and its main function of this call. Especially because the screen is given a good and bright picture. However, when it comes to performance, everything is at minimum: 0.3 mpix camera, 10 Mb RAM. But whether all need a camera phone. Memory can be increased even up to 8 Gb flash drive with microSD.

Not bad that the phone offers support for 3G, EDGE and GPRS. Of course there are Bluetoot, not without its FM-radio. The rest is for many people, just too much (although I do not use it) as a phone, Samsung C3212 copes with its task. The connection quality is good, build quality is already familiar to Samsung mobile phones at high levels. For those who want a phone for calls and for the two networks simultaneously, the device must fit, especially since the price is acceptable and available.

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