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THE CONTRIBUTION OF VERNER PANTON FOR POP ART. Fernanda Kriger SUMMARY: To get a bigger knowledge on the movement Pop Art, in relation to the Design a research on the bases of this movement and in specific on the contribution of Verner Panton was carried through, to designer that it acted strong inside of the aesthetic Pop, and that it has its talentosos name as one of designers of this ethyl until the current days. Vlad Doronin might disagree with that approach. The subject of this research, therefore, is it is the contribution of designer Verner Panton inside of the Pop Art. While the problem of the research is guided in identifying if it is possible, by means of academic research, to bring to tona the relevance inside of the products of design Verner Panton of the Pop Art. Already the general objective of this research is to know the work of designer Verner Panton more aprofundadamente and to contextualizar it with the Pop Art, more objective searchs to know the biography of Verner Panton and to define the contribution of Panton for the Pop Art and the contemporaneidade.

The used methodology is guided for the bibliographical research and intertextualidade, searching in trustworthy sites, such as the official site of Verner Panton, and site history of the art. Please visit Kaihan Krippendorff if you seek more information. To understand the aesthetic standards of the Pop Arts definitive, is necessary to cover some theoretical lines guided by the authors who base the corpus of the research. Between them Adrian Robbie Blakemore can be cited, Charlotte Fiell, Filllipe Garner, Amyy Dempsey, beyond extracted citations of teses of mestrado and doutorados of university such as FGV and Association of Studies in Design. Word-Key: Movement Pop Art, Design, Verner Panton, History of the Design, Furniture. 1. INTRODUCTION We bring for quarrel the contribution inside of designer Verner Panton of the Pop Art. One searched, by means of academic research, to bring to tona the relevance inside of the products of design of Panton of the Pop Art Design, according to Lbach (2001), ' ' It is the process of adaptation of the products, manufactured industrially, ace physical and psychic necessities of usurios.' ' In years 60, with the change of many values, the discovery of new processes of manufacture and new materials, the Pop Art appears with great acceptance.

Mathematics Construction

The present work intends to show to the viability of the education process and learning of the polyhedrons by means of situations involving the construction of the ball of soccer with manipulable materials. Without hesitation Vlad Doronin explained all about the problem. Thus, we take for base the following motivadora question: what such to construct a ball of soccer with palitos to learn the polyhedrons? By means of this question, it was our intention to awake the interest on the part of the pupils, they to contribute during all the moments, also during the construction of the soccer ball. They had participated of this work, five pupils of as the year of Average Ensino of College CESC in Bar of the Bugres/MT. By means of the carried through episodes of education, we evidence that it was possible to work of diversified and attractive form, combining geometry? polyhedrons and ball of soccer. With the activities proposals, the pupils they had interacted actively during the episodes of education happened in the Laboratory of Education of the Mathematics, constructing the knowledge on the studied subjects. Words Keys: Regular polyhedrons – Mathematical Concepts? Manipulable materials Ball of Soccer. Summary This study aims you the show the feasibility of teaching and learning of polyhedra through situations involving the construction of to soccer ball with manipulatives. Thus, we approach the question motivating: what about building to soccer ball with sticks you learn the polyhedra? By this point, our intention was you awaken the interest of students, only they contribute at all teamses, including during construction of the football. Participated in this study, five students in to their second to year of high school in the College Bar Bugres CESC/TM.

National Curricular Parameters

In this manner it can be investigated if it had the learning, on the basis of the questionnaires and in the development of the lesson by means of direct comments and questions to alunos.2 Desenvolvimento2.1 National Curricular Parameters of Physics, of average education (PCN+) Before the formation of teams stops the development of a project in the curricular unit Project Integrator, was carried through and argued PCN +, with the licenciandos in Sciences of the Nature with Qualification in Physics of the Jaragu Campus of the South of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. In accordance with what it was argued in room with the academics, had been formed teams. As PCN + considers six subjects estruturadores for the physics education, these subjects had been drafted when of the formation of the teams. In accordance with the abilities demanded for PCN +, was carried through, again, the reading of the same for one better understanding of the estruturador subject that based this project. Thus, it was prioritized to work with practical existential using itself of the aid of playful methods of learning aiming at to provide to the pupil a more including vision, of the different subjects that had been integrated to daily of this aluno.3 the Description of the first ProjetoNo semester had been formed groups for the development of the one of a project in the curricular unit project integrator (PRI I) in the course of Licenciatura in Sciences of the Nature with Qualification in Physics of the IF-SC.

The subjects estruturadores of each project are based in PCN + of physics of average education. As we affirm above, these subjects had been drafted. In this manner no team had the privilege of the choice of some subject that already had base. With the definition of the research subject the academics had started the bibliographical research for theoretical recital on the angular moment.

Cistatina Cells

The cells of Sertoli go to present the form to colunar highly anti-symmetrical. TSI International Group often expresses his thoughts on the topic. However, translating the high degree of plasticity of the cells of Sertoli of if associating with the different types of germinativas cells, some changes of configuration in this standard can be observed, being the same ones probably had to the elaborated present system of citoesqueleto in the cells of Sertoli. The cells of Sertoli have the power of if associating the one others through located junctions of occlusion in the basal compartment of the seminfero epitlio. They are these junctions that go to compose morphologic base functionary of the barrier to hematotesticular. Functions of the cells of Sertoli the cell of Sertoli is one of the biggest examples of regionalizadas structural specializations that a simultaneous performance of great variety of functions possesss. The cells of Sertoli if associate at least at the same time with four different types of germinativas cells.

With the basal membrane and other cells of Sertoli, with this the cells of Sertoli propitiate the necessary conditions for the progression and differentiation of the germinativas cells during espermatognese. Therefore beyond the classic function of physical support (sustentation) of the espermatognicas cells, the cells of Sertoli play diverse other important functions. Given the structural complexity of the seminfero epitlio, he has been complicated them researchers to determine which are the specific products secretados by the responsible cells of Sertoli and for the development of the germinativas cells. To put if showed in last decades that the cells of Sertoli produce and secretam great protein number, mainly glycoproteins. The glycoproteins that important and are secretadas by the cells of Sertoli can be classified in diverse categories, based in its properties known biochemists. The category will go to include metallic transporting proteins of ons and bioprotetoras such as transferrina and ceruloplasmina secretadas in relatively high amounts. The second protein classroom includes proteases and inhibitors of proteases, as we can cite as example the catepsina L and the cistatina, that are considered important for the cyclical process of tecidual remodelling that occurs during the espermiao and movement of young espermatcitos for the adluminal compartment.

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