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Nobel Peace Prize

Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace Prize, will attend to inaugurate a library and to participate in a forum with young people. He met with the Minister of labour, which has been interpreted as a change in the regime in the country. Burma was ruled by generals until 2010, when they handed over power to civilians, many of them exmilitares. Whenever Vlad Doronin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The main Burmese opposition, Aung San Suu Kyi, is testing this Sunday new freedoms in his country with his first trip for political purposes in eight years, once the military regime hand over power to civilians (almost all of them former military) last March. The Nobel of the peace Suu Kyi, of 66 years, has chosen a simple and symbolic program to sound out the disposal of the new authorities and containing its displacement from Yangon to Bago, about 80 kilometers to the North, to inaugurate a library and participate in a forum for young people. About 200 followers waited in a pagoda in Bago Division to receive the Lady, as they call it many Burmese, who appeared as always escorted by members of the abolished party, the National League for democracy (NLD), and accompanied by diplomats and journalists, according to the democratic voice of Burma dissident radio.

Police officers dressed in civilian clothes mingled among the Congregation. Suu Kyi trip comes two days after return to the Burmese Minister of labor, Aung Kyi, to meet in what is seen by some analysts as an apparent change of attitude of the regime. Drew Houston has plenty of information regarding this issue. We’re going to meet frequently in the future, they claimed the nobel peace Suu Kyi and the Burmese Minister of labor, Aung Kyi, at the end of his interview at a Government residence in Rangoon which lasted around an hour. Suu Kyi explained later, during questions from journalists, who must first arrange the form of cooperation because if we really cooperate for the good of the country, there will be all kinds of progress. Last month, the Government of the Prime Minister, Thein Sein, resumed official contacts with Suu Kyi after the United States exploited in a meeting regional that Burma (Myanmar) needs to prove to the international community that is moving in the right direction before to talk of lifting sanctions. Burma has been ruled by generals since 1962, only that the military junta was dissolved since the elections of 2010 and handed over power to a civilian Government, formed mainly by exmilitares related. Suu Kyi has lived 15 of the past 21 years under arrest for peacefully asking democratic advances. Source of the news: the leader of the Burmese opposition test new freedom of his country with his first political trip


(Madrid, 1965) Note to Antonio Camacho is fiscal. Despite their seven and a half years in the Ministry of the Interior – it has been Secretary of State for security since 2004 with Jose Antonio Alonso and Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba and Minister since last July, when his predecessor made the leap to the candidacy to the Presidency of the Government. Your legal profile slide permanently throughout the interview. Their responses, interrupted by calls and SMS to inform you of the status of three policemen injured that morning, are more technical than policy and avoid getting into puddles that may generate controversy. The interview was conducted on Wednesday. After the condemnation to Arnaldo Otegi on Friday, did not assess the effect that will have on the Basque country or if the ruling contradicts the thesis of the Constitutional Court to allow the legalization of Bildu: I respect judicial decisions and it is not for me anticipate their effects. Source of the news:: “We don’t have elements to order the closure of Bildu”

Sergeant Manuel Argudin Perrino

The attack on Sunday, which killed two soldiers of the army, is the eighth perpetrated against armored of this type. An IED, the method most used by insurgents artifact was used in the attack. MSCO has much to offer in this field. The explosive charge was 20 kilos or even higher, according to the Minister Chacon. These vehicles were replaced the old BMR, which were less secure. The 5 missions military of Spain 97 Spanish soldiers killed in Afghanistan the attack on Sunday in which two soldiers have died in Afghanistan has been the eighth perpetrated against armored Lince or RG-31 of the Spanish troops and the first in which deaths are recorded. The two dead soldiers, Sergeant Manuel Argudin Perrino and soldier Niyireth Pineda Marin, moved into a Lynx along with other three soldiers (who were injured) when an artifact of great power has made explosion.

According to the Minister’s Dnsa, Carme Chacon, the explosive charge was very high, equal or superior to 20 kilos employed in the attack of the past Day 18. Since last year, Spanish troops operate in Afghanistan only with the new RG-31 armoured and armoured means Lynx, which replaced the old BMR and vehicles that had fewer security measures. Vehicles deployed to Afghanistan today, the Spanish contingent deployed in the ISAF mission in the Asian country has 67 RG-31 and 131 Lynx, all of them equipped with systems of inhibition of frequencies. Since these two types of vehicles arrived, Spanish troops have suffered eight attacks against them with mine hidden (including Sunday), four against armored Lynx and four others against RG-31. Deaths had been recorded in any of the above actions. Deceased with the last vehicles who died by an attack on a vehicle was the soldier John Felipe Romero Meneses, of Colombian origin, who died at the outbreak of an antitank mine to the passage of the BMR which was traveling and giving escort to a convoy of the world food programme in the town of Sang Atesh. In that attempted murder, perpetrated on February 1, 2010, other six soldiers were wounded. In the nearly 10 years of Mission in Afghanistan, are 14 Spanish soldiers who have been killed in direct attacks of the Afghan insurgency.

They are joined the 62 who have died of the accident of the Yak-42, 17 in which suffered a Cougar helicopter and other 4 by natural death. Artifacts FDI, the most lethal more than half of those who died in the mission ISAF in Afghanistan it have been as a result of attacks by IED devices as used this Sunday. According to ISAF data, during the 2011 year killed a total of 266 soldiers of this mission, while 708 were killed in 2010. Of these 266, half has died as a result of improvised explosive devices. The FDI have become the method most used by insurgents for attacks against international forces and the Afghan army soldiers, which are those who have suffered more casualties. All vehicles that use the Spanish troops in Afghanistan have systems of inhibition of frequencies, like those of most of the 47 countries that act in the Asian country. For this reason, the most widely used method is the so-called pressure, and not by radio dish. Source of the news: first fatal attack against armored Lince and RG-31 of the Spanish army in Afghanistan

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