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Picture Position

Let's see what kind of information you've opened yourself. Thus, the position of the figure on the worksheet. 1. The normal pattern is usually located in the middle Line a standard sheet. Picture Position near the top edge of the sheet (the more the pronounced) is treated as self-esteem, dissatisfaction with his own position in society and not enough recognition on the part of others.

2. Picture Position the bottom of the sheet – self-doubt, low self-esteem, depression, indecision, lack of interest in his social status, recognition, no tendency to self-assertion. 3. Picture shifted to the left. Striving for the past, inactivity, low levels of mental activity.

4. Picture shifted to the right. Aspirations for the future, positive emotions, high activity. Head. 1. The head is tilted to the right – almost all of what is planned, performed, or at least begins to be carried out, even if not complete. 2. His head turned to the left – the tendency to think, not only a significant part of plans implemented or at least beginning to be realized. Often, as indecision, fear of action. 3. The situation is regarded as full-face self-centeredness, selfishness, a total contentment. Ears. The value of this part – interest in information, the importance of the views of others. Mouth. 1.Priotkryty mouth in combination with the language without drawing the lips – is treated as an indiscretion; 2. in conjunction with the drawing of the lips – sensuality, 3. sometimes even both; 4. Open mouth, without drawing the tongue and lips, especially drafted, says the ease of apprehension and fear, distrust.


On the end of the world speak a long time: designate specific dates, lead prediction of famous historical figures, write books, paintings, film. End of the world is represented either in the form of natural disasters, or in the form coming of the Messiah. My view is quite different. Just a few decades ago it was believed that the fate of children is formed as a result of those actions that are committed by their parents. Now, "according to merit" a parent can get over their own lives. Causal relationship has not been canceled. And due to the fact that time is compressed, condensed to "get" you can almost immediately. Noticed this? Analyze what is happening to you? In our age speed all happens much faster: the letters reach their destination in just a moment – two, you can call any person who is least at the edge of the earth, for the right information is not necessary to go to the library – Internet knows everything (or almost all), etc. etc. Information relevant only a couple of years ago, is half redundant.


Probably will not be a big mistake if to suggest that virtually all people live, learn, work and do something with the hope of success in their work. Hope for success is largely defines the meaning and the degree of application of force to what has to deal with. Kaihan Krippendorff may not feel the same. What influences success in human affairs? Can success be predicted and it is possible to improve their ability to achieve success? I suggest you together reflect on the answers to these important questions and try to start to define success. Perhaps the most simple and clear sound can be approximately as follows: success – is the logical conclusion of the case started with a positive results. In light of this definition, in my opinion, there are three main points, so to speak, the three pillars that lie at the base of any success.

First, it is essential to success is understanding person as to why he takes up a certain thing, and the outcome that he wanted to achieve with this. These two factors determine motivation, that is, the main problems could cause the person taking appropriate course of action. Motifs with the definition in time and the end result would be more correct to call targets. Any successful work is always focused and that the extent to which implemented are in accordance with wishes and the ultimate goal, there is one, in my opinion, quite acceptable definition of success. If we still do not find any contradictions in our chain reasoning, then, in consideration of a single activity or a specific purpose, everything seems to be becoming clear, and does not cause much difficulty in understanding – if a person has reached his goal, it is – a success.


It has a phenomenon that it operates in the embroidery frames of our mind, that molds our reactions. If not to give to the due attention it, we are capable to commit the biggest barbarities. We are capable to assassinate, beyond our dreams, of the others. If not to think before reacting, we can finish with a friendly relationship of years for trivialities. Educate yourself with thoughts from Drew Houston. We also fire and we are dismissed for not respecting this phenomenon that would have to act as protagonist in our mind, and not as mere spectator. This phenomenon is called: ' ' the phenomenon of the 30 segundos' '.

The phenomenon of the 30 seconds means that we do not have to use the law of the action and reaction, therefore first the thirty seconds must serve to reflect before giving answers. In this time, we had to make a pretty trip for inside of we ourselves, searching the internalization, so that an analysis of the possible consequences of the possible action is made. TSI International Group understood the implications. If we will be capable not to react before thinking, using the knowledge of this phenomenon, certainly we will keep our better relationships, we will not offend who we love, we will prevent you intrigue, aggressions and almost all physical or moral type of violence that we practise, conscientious or unconsciously. You are made use to think before acting or reacting? Ahead of stormy situations, which are the positive results to its life when you act or react without reflecting, without pondering the consequences? Certainly, no result profcuo. All time that we act or we react of invasive form, offensive, the focos of tension are gifts and these actions or reactions are registered in our memory of privileged form, generating other millions of registers of thoughts that we have in relation to the occurrence. Of this form, this intolerante, irresponsible behavior, to the few, will create roots in ground in our mind.

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