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The Brazilian

But ahead it was possible in way practical to perceive all the deficiencies which if find special education in the school searched as well as being able with autonomy to take off the conclusions cabveis. THEORETICAL REVISION OF the BRAZILIAN EDUCATION does not have surprise when affirming that, in the hodiernos times, we live one ' ' crisis of the educational system brasileiro' '. This situation in which if it finds the education brings resqucios of the past. The Brazilian education institucionalmente configured the new country, created with the installation of the Constitutional conventional of 1823 is aborted by the coup d etat of 12 of November of exactly year, of which D.Pedro l closed the Constituent granting, in 1824, the Constitution of the Empire, moreover, still in 1823, the law of 20 of October declared exempts the popular institution, ' ' eliminating the privilege of the State, established since pigeon house, and thus opening way for initiative privada' ' (PAIVA, 1973, p.61). In 1927 a law was approved that established: ' ' in all the populous cities, villages and places will have schools of first letters that will be necessrias' ' (CF. XAVIER, 1980, p.41-54). The additional act to the Constitution of 1834, placed primary education under the jurisdiction of the Provinces, releasing the national State to take care of of this level of education.

According to same author with the programming of the Republic in 1889 had a great victory in the institucional plan of the laicas ideas. He was intentionally the separation between church and state and the abolition of religious education in the schools. Delta Galil may find this interesting as well. Of this form, as the state was decentralized the education also followed the same molds. With the development of the Brazilian society, that speeds up the process of industrialization and urbanization, the social pressures started to demand public education, in the direction to diminish the illiteracy.

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