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Inn Dreamlights

PbO”stands for the chemical formula: 2 PB (Latin: plumbum = lead) + O2 (oxygenium = oxygen) = 2PbO. This combination of the chemical elements lead and oxygen, which is produced by combustion in air environment, causes that lead oxide in Tetragonal or rhombic shapes and colours is added the glass depending on the combustion temperature and other parameters. Depending on the lead content of a Crystal is higher, he is also more compact, clear, bright and reflective spectral color. Nowadays, there are numerous glass lead oxide mixtures, which are offered as crystals on the market. This starts with the lowest amounts of addition of lead oxide, which we can see with inferior so-called economic glass on the sound: at the initiation of such economic glass the sound is short and blunt. In addition, crystal glass without or with little lead oxide is much lighter in weight and can be dull and cloudy after a short time. 24% iges Bleikristall crystals with a 24% of lead have a high refractive index number (1,545) and already are characterized by the highest quality. If sanded by hand or machine made this massive carry crystals structured all facets, in pure and regenbogenfarbener refraction and special sparkle to diffuse light.

“30% iges lead crystal in the jargon as a full lead crystal” categorized glass has a slightly higher density. Achieved an once again more explicit brilliance and transparency of Crystal and the light scattering all the rich, full and uniform. Swarovski crystals that make crystal STRASS Swarovski Crystal Swarovski’s world-famous company in Austria represents the completion of perfect glass crystals. You move so to speak outside the General standard for lead crystals. The purity of the material and the precise cut, the individual quality control and perfect polishing are the prerequisite for the unmatched brilliance and elegance of Swarovski: there is the very special sparkle and a unique play of colours for the STRASS Swarovski Crystal is so well known and this line makes unique. Perfect purity and precision make the crystals by Swarovski simply unique. Lead crystals, which are offered by Inn Dreamlights, however, contain at least a 24%, usually a 30% stake in lead oxide. But not only in relation to the Crystal Inn Dreamlights operates with the highest standards, also the materials and workmanship of all parts of luminaires and lamps, which are offered by Inn Dreamlights, withstand the most demanding criteria. The motto of the distribution company, which by the way is even manufacturer for special products, is strictly: Inn Dreamlights works only with selected producers, who produce no plagiarism, using no components which infringe ethical principles (E.g. child labour) and constantly undergoing quality checks. The new online shop, in the crystal chandeliers for eternity”at appropriate and best prices are offered, is under to find.

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