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ONU, ‘ ‘ New Light Of The Mundo’ ‘

ONU, ' ' New Light of the Mundo' '! The Supreme English Cut considers Christians ' ' anormais' ' To the measure that the movement gay gains support of authorities here and there, the funestas consequences of these catastrophic changes appear for all part. The benefits granted to the movement gay are generating breakings to the rights of the common citizen. The support given to these new laws, supposedly anti-homofbicas, follows desestabilizando the bases of the right and, for consequence, its rules and legal definitions constructed by studies, debates and quarrels, through decades of jurisprudencial perfectioning. It sees, for example, the absurd and historical decision of the Supreme Cut of England, that calls ' ' anormais' ' the English Christian citizens, disqualifying them to take care of, to create or to educate adoptive or adopted children, based in its new approach on the homosexual question. He justifies yourself: The new Statute of the Right of the Child promulgated for the ONU For little informed, the new Statute of the Right of the Child includes freedom of access to the pornography consensual and prostitution. It confers the nonsense here, where the influence of the Commission of Human Rights of the ONU is clear and of the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent in the result of the sentence promulgated for the Supreme Cut of new Supreme global legal approach follows the orientation of the ONU the Supreme English Cut, receiving seeming of the Advice of Human Rights of the ONU, in process of adoption moved for an English family Christian, it decided that the Christians in general are not reference so that the courts decide the adoption processes that they move in the United kingdom. explains: they (Christian) go to transmit its Christian beliefs for any adoptive child or that to come to adopt. It was thus, as well as astonish, that the family John lost the right to adopt a new child, the right on already adopted.

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