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Everyday Use

Nowadays, Internet has become a tool for use everyday and essential in the private and professional sphere. As we can see, are increasingly more applications that we give to the Internet, not only being a means of communication or finding information, but even to be a means to earn money, because investing in financial products like CFDs (contracts for difference), shares or futures, creating business, using media to earn money on facebook and other social networks, etc. Is also very widespread use of the Internet as entertainment, who does not see ever videos online of your favorite series, has a daughter who seeks videos de Patito Feo, communicates with his friends by courier, e-mail or social networks, continues the famous batalla de gallos of rap on the internet, plays online, etc. It is evident that increasingly the domain of tools that offers us Internet is necessary and even essential nowadays. So much so that because speaks of digital illiteracy or computer, comparing it with who didn’t read and write. Lack of this knowledge left in clear inferiority to any person, primarily in the workplace or when looking for work, because digital communications like email, share and send documents, downloading files and search for information on the network are very common activities in many jobs, not necessarily related to computing or the Internet. In any case, also in our personal and everyday lives, since many or all these tools often can save time and/or money in many of our usual activities.

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