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National Curricular Parameters

In this manner it can be investigated if it had the learning, on the basis of the questionnaires and in the development of the lesson by means of direct comments and questions to alunos.2 Desenvolvimento2.1 National Curricular Parameters of Physics, of average education (PCN+) Before the formation of teams stops the development of a project in the curricular unit Project Integrator, was carried through and argued PCN +, with the licenciandos in Sciences of the Nature with Qualification in Physics of the Jaragu Campus of the South of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. In accordance with what it was argued in room with the academics, had been formed teams. As PCN + considers six subjects estruturadores for the physics education, these subjects had been drafted when of the formation of the teams. In accordance with the abilities demanded for PCN +, was carried through, again, the reading of the same for one better understanding of the estruturador subject that based this project. Thus, it was prioritized to work with practical existential using itself of the aid of playful methods of learning aiming at to provide to the pupil a more including vision, of the different subjects that had been integrated to daily of this aluno.3 the Description of the first ProjetoNo semester had been formed groups for the development of the one of a project in the curricular unit project integrator (PRI I) in the course of Licenciatura in Sciences of the Nature with Qualification in Physics of the IF-SC.

The subjects estruturadores of each project are based in PCN + of physics of average education. As we affirm above, these subjects had been drafted. In this manner no team had the privilege of the choice of some subject that already had base. With the definition of the research subject the academics had started the bibliographical research for theoretical recital on the angular moment.

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