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The circle represents the world and 9 tips, different modes of perceiving it. No eneatipo is better or worse than the other; simply, every one is different. Each eneatipo is attributed to a few virtues and a few basic defects that have come to be compared to the nine deadly sins of the Dante’s Divine Comedy, great connoisseur of the Enneagram. It is a way to systematize our positive and dark side, trying to enhance those strengths that are in us, and trying to understand, accept and soften the darker. While the virtues symbolize the forces that drive towards growth and personal development, defects represent the forces that drive toward conflicting behaviors; analyze that duality of positive and negative in us will allow a better understanding of oneself, and be able to develop ourselves in the line that most make us happy. The equilibrium between the two arise the individual differences of each eneatipo. Within the same eneatipo, we can be more or less evolved, as we have more developed characteristics or others of our personality, what is more, the logical thing is that we are not an eneatipo exclusively or purely, but let us be the confluence of several no more than 3 of them, and all of them are complementary.

Understand the weaknesses or shortcomings of each eneatipo implies that we find our true essence and understand what we are as a whole inclusive. 9 Types have been classified into three groups: warm, cerebral and visceral. -The Group of the CORDIAL or emotional: consisting of 2, 3 and 4 eneatipos, characterized les his eagerness to establish cordial relations and his need to please others. The two assumes the role of helper and acts so affectionate; the three shows his more positive side, depending on the social conventions of the time; and the four tries to express himself by presenting as someone different and original. -The Group of the brain or analytical: the eneatipos 5, 6 and 7 are part of it. Their maxim is faced with the existential fear. Thus, 5 blanket in your knowledge, 6 rebels against the authority and the 7 avoids unpleasant emotions and fear in general.

-The Group of the VISCERAL or intuitive: composed by the eneatipos 8, 9 and 1, focused their problems on impulsivity and anger. While the eight shuns express their anger, one represses and the nine unknown their own aggressive capacity. While it is true that better relations occur between the eneatipos of a group, communication with the remaining is necessary for personal balance of each in particular. To better understand what was assigned a number and a name to each end, thus constituting the nine distinct personality types: 1. (passion Ira) (perfectionist) the perfectionist or reformer 2. (Passion pride)(false love) The altruistic or helper 3. (Passion vanity) (deception/appearance) The executor or winner 4. (Passion envy)(dissatisfaction) The romantic or individualist 5. (Passion greed)(detachment) The observer or researcher 6. (Passion fear)(accuser) The loyal or committed 7. (Passion Gula)(self-indulgence) The Epicurean or enthusiast 8. (Passion lust)(punishment) The Chief or challenging 9. (Passion indolence/laziness)(Oblivion) The mediator or peacemaker there are many theories about the meaning of the Enneagram, here’s one that seems interesting: I also attached a few free text, both in the English version and in Spanish, in which you indicate reliably types to which more than one natural way I exange.

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