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Stanford Research Institute

He is understood as a corporate stakeholder to the actor that affects or can be affected by the activities of an organization. This term was used for the first time in 1963 at the Stanford Research Institute, conceptualized as groups without whose participation the Organization would cease to exist. Later in the mid-1980s, the American Professor of business administration, r. Edward Freeman was one academic noted for developing the theory of stakeholder, which focuses on the organizational management and ethics in business, with an emphasis on values and morals in an organization. From theory to practice from the traditional approach, organizations (companies) rely on its shareholders, partners or owners; in theory it is who make the financial economic contributions so they can be implemented and developed. Then, thanks to the function of the providers workers produce what it will be marketed and generate incomes that allow restart the cycle.

However, these four actors (investors, suppliers, workers and customers) aren’t the only ones really involved in this process. There are actually many other parts that act directly or indirectly and influence the course of the activities of an organization: from government agencies, communities, prospective employees, prospective and potential consumers or families, not to mention the competition. On the basis of this, the theory of Stakeholders suggested that for the formulation of adequate strategic planning of the business is you should take in consideration of the other parties, as they bring benefits or generate losses (of any kind) to the company. Use correct Etymologically, the word comes from the English stake (bet) and holder (holder); Therefore it can be inferred that a stakeholder is a person or group of people who have made a bet (investment) in an organization. From this perspective, can be understood by What affects or can be affected, but only from an economic and financial standpoint.

However, the term stakeholder has been confused and often misused within the business context. Common usage has been to assume it as public interest for the company, which implicitly denotes that there are some who are not; which in turn is flawed and dangerous from the approach to corporate communication. For organizations, all are absolutely public they want to convey a message, so is that currently there is a relationship direct or indirect; non-customers are potential customers, for example. Comunicacionalmente, stakeholders are all those people and institutions that are within the organizational environment, and not only with having current links. Corporate image generation is a constant and multidisciplinary process, and must therefore be articulated within the Business Plan with a strategic vision of communication. The stakeholders are actually target audience for corporate communication, and that is why the Organization must contact each one of them in a particular way, with a message according to your communication needs and clearly differentiated image goals. In this sense, the communicational management should do – and promote – correct use, both conceptual and contextually the term stakeholder, banishing the notion as far as possible wrong that discriminates, it categorizes and/or he despises to audiences that – if at this time do not have a role leading-in future can become strategic for NATO allies. _ * Article published in the newspaper El Mundo (Caracas, Venezuela), Monday June 7, 2010, p. 23 original author and source of the article.

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