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Exactly with as many new technologies revolutionizing the panorama of the current world, many people still are ariscas in relation to these new features. One of the main examples is in the Internet. to better say more on this subject, nothing of what speaking on e-commerce. A group of academics of Advertising & Propaganda of Estuary of the Iguau developed a research that raises some main factors that take a person to have fear to buy in store of e-commerce.1) ' ' Purchase online is thing pra jovens' '. It has store specialized for adults and people of third idade.2) ' ' Fear to steal given of my card of crdito' '.

Before carrying through the purchase, it is necessary to find a reputation store and that it has certifyd of security, beyond bringing up to date the anti-virus and item of security of the proper computer. In the worse one of the hypotheses, it prefers to pay in banking billet or for collection, that is, paid you who to deliver produto.3) ' ' Some store do not fulfill the stated periods of entrega' '. It searches on the reputation of the store and verifies the conditions of estimate of time (night and weekends do not count, delivery in limited schedules), in some cases you must search the order in the Correios.4) ' ' I do not know if the store online are confiveis' '. When you possess references of the site in question, you will be with all the activated item of security in its computer, you do not have concern necessity. In case of bigger doubts, he consults the part of ' ' Termos' ' in the sites of the store. There &#039 must be specified in which conditions its personal datas can be envolvidos.5); ' if I to want to change the product? ' ' He searches the conditions of each store before carrying through the purchase, some can offer to the service of troca.6) ' ' They only forward for cities grandes' '. Myth: 86% of the biggest virtual store all make delivery for Brazil and others even for exterior.7) ' ' The consumer online is desprotegido' '. According to Procon, the new rules if also alicam for the commerce online.8) ' ' He is advantageous and more barato' '.

Clearly, if the research well will be carried through and you it will have good references, will go to find better prices online that in physical store, beyond being able to receive the order before the stated period even though. Another one is only of eye in the freights of a store pra. For you that it finds much persistence to carry through this research for the lesser price, it has tools that they facilitate its life: comparators of prices, as the BuscP and the Bondfaro, for example. If will be to carry through a purchase online, now already knows which is the best tip. you what it thinks on this way?

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