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Historical Europe

With one to look at ampler we can see that in the Europe new sciences for return appeared of Century XVIII, such as the Anthropology, and also had the development of biological sciences. Atrelado to this was economic interests of great profit as the traffic. The indians were found in Brazil, not having merchandise scarcity, being able any one to have profit with this slavery and capture of natives. Ahead of this Portugal ' ' compra' ' one to seem religious that he defines the aboriginal as a pure being of soul, without badness; well different of the previous definitions. So that the exploration machine does not stop at the beginning of the minerador period, Portugal initiated the purchase and sales of black slaves. It is important to also detach that in contrast of what she consists in didactic books, the Portuguese had not invaded Africa in search of blacks.

Africa already had had contact with the Europeans previously, and same before the contact already they knew the slavery. stino. The presence of the Europeans with purpose of purchase of man power it unchained a commerce moved not for fight between tribes, but for the hunger of hunting mercenaries who did not distinguish tribe, sex or age. From there the African multiplicity of races and languages in Brazilian territory for return of Centuries XVII? XIX, and making with that today let us be as the country with bigger black population, losing only for Nigria. This domain consisted of forbidding the use of aboriginal man power (although not to be respected integrally) with intention to finish with the internal traffic having as only ' ' traficante' ' , Portugal, or better saying, those that Portugal allowed to traffic. Ahead of the necessity of great amount of slaves, the dealers had increased the price of the slave to get high profits, immediate, and to restrict the attainment of ' ' peas' ' to that they possessed great lots of land beyond representing an advancing to the metropolis of good part of the income to be generated by the Colony.

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