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Martin Wegmus

Therefore when searching history for the elaboration of its subject, it discovers that two very influential people in the society were hiding and occulting a great truth, one of these people was the professor and priest Mr. Juckenack (Hans-Rernhard Muller) and the Brummel priest (Willy Schultes). Without success it exhales the time and Sonia does not obtain to in time deliver its work due to information yielded by its city. Mark Stevens is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Sonia decides to be married professor Martin Wegmus having had two children for name of Sarah and Rebecca. Not very livened up with the lack of information on its city during III the Rench it decides to restart its research stopping great battles to unmask the kept secret of its proper city. Deciding to look for through some institutions as the family, archives of periodicals, archive of the church, archives of the city hall and finally in the archives confidences of the state. Sonia is an example of that history can be searched independent of the work that is, but the search of history is not lost, can reconstruct, is enough to want. In its search for the Sonia truth it emerges of immediate form the necessity of the reconstruction of the past, the access to the information, the Institutions of Memory, etc.

and discovers that they were occulting the truth. Sonia decides in a exasperada attitude to process the state, so that it allows to the access the information it ties then restrained as archives confidences, and the city of Pfilzing is rebelled with its attitude, being Sonia the center of great persecutions. But it does not fear, and without fear she decides to all unmask the past of its city. It concludes its work with great success showing to all the true facts occurred in its city during III the Reich, bringing for all the past of its small city of Pfilzing. The city of Sonia decides to make a homage for it, placing its bust in the city hall, for all its effort in unmasking the past of a city that pparently did not have past, not for never having existed, but for its past to contain truths that would go to the failure in meeting of that important positions in the city galgavam. But Sonia in a desperation attitude pparently, refutes that homage disappointing all that were present there. When relating the film ' ' A city without passado' ' , with the history course we perceive that we can be transforming agents in the society where we coexist and live, and that history cannot stop in the discovery, but always to continue to be searched, was what it happened with Sonia Wegmus, it together with did not accept the end of the history of its city the homage, history does not have end, needs to know the past to understand the gift and to project the future.

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