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Menopause – Natural Medicine Treatment

Menopause symptoms of menopause usually occur between the ages of 45 to 55 years, but sometimes it can occur earlier, such as 35, or later, up to 65 years. Chemotherapy, as well as the use of chemicals that affect the hormones (of pesticides and herbicides), can cause early menopause. Dr Marilyn Glenville, an expert in this field, explains: "During menopause a woman's body still produces estrogen, but the number of its it is not enough to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. Ovaries produce small amounts of estrogen in the next 12 years after menopause. At the same time the level of progesterone drops, or reduced to zero.

" Stages of Menopause For most women, menopause takes place in three stages. First, the phase of peri-menopause, when menstruation is still there, but postponed it heavier or lighter than usual, in addition, there are symptoms such how hot "hot flashes". Then begins the actual menopause, the ovaries stop working, and menstruation no longer occurs. The last phase is called post-menopause, and comes a year after the last menstrual period. Menopause symptoms over time due to changes in hormonal balance, caused by low estrogen and progesterone, there are many symptoms associated with aging in women. Deeper wrinkles on the face may appear superfluous vegetation, thinning hair at the temples, the muscles to some extent lose their strength and tone, and many women begin to suffer from "hot flashes" and insomnia. Can also start joint pain, bone become more fragile, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Due to the hormonal changes of menopause often appears vaginal dryness and thinning vaginal wall, which prevents blood actively circulate.

Dryness can make sex painful or uncomfortable, and lead to irritation and increase the risk of infection. However, regular sexual activity provides an additional blood flow to the vagina. Reducing the tone of the bladder can cause incontinence in muscle tension (leakage of urine during coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercise). With the increase of the urinary link use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and recent studies show that gormonazamestitelnaya therapy accelerates the development of Alzheimer's disease and impairs memory. In addition, no significant differences in quality of life of women on that gormonazamestitelnuyu therapy, and women receiving placebo, imitating similar drugs have been reported. During menopause you may experience a sudden change mood – from complete happiness to deep depression. However, good nutrition (food program for the Natural Fat Burning) and related nutritional supplements, exercise and supplemented with natural substitutes for hormones to help avoid any unpleasant symptoms of menopause, or at least significantly weaken them. For more information and advice during menopause on site and in the Program of the Natural fat loss.

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