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Economic crisis means tougher competition in the labor market secretaries: the series of candidates for the second year swell the laid-off employees, and employees of bankrupt companies simply. First look at job search sites can cause panic: Job is not too much, but it is possible to observe a tendency to underflow column "salary" – if a couple of years ago, or that figure stood at almost every job, but now norm has been to write "on the interview results." As a result, candidate for secretary forced to often lose a lot of time to communicate with a potential employer, then to hear the amount, it is not appropriate his needs and ambitions. But no time to fall into despair: the same Blank spaces can be used to their advantage, because if you look from the optimistic side, if there is no number – no restrictions, including, and upper limit. So, if you are a secretary with high skills, negotiating the salary you can try to sell themselves dearly. Scares a lot of competition? But at the same time, good people among the secretaries are not so much. According to the story familiar personnel manager of one of the fairly stable in spite of that, companies that recently they had a vacancy, as the company announced at the appropriate Internet resources. For the first couple of days to e-mail came about a hundred resumes, of which …

96% did not meet the stated requirements. Applicants or stubbornly ignore these requirements, sending out resumes, certainly not corresponding to the level of education, work experience or other criteria. Or simply enjoy the easily accessible function "for a job", thinking that somewhere it will work. Experienced secretary so do not go. He not only send your resume. He knows that in this time someone will not rely on the "send resume 'and just pick a contact telephone number, and thus will have a couple of steps above. Ever steps that separated from the applicant's current success of future employees who will be offered the job the secretary.

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