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The Theory

The autoone is imperative/Our cultures is a reinforcement our solitude. We insist on living in the utopia to try to eternalize our values and our conclusions, as a central office of reason in the universe the way of some form of ' ' evolution universal' ' to reach one ' ' dreamed perfection ' ' We forget that perfection is only a human concept, moment, as any another one. Not only for these data, but still we can conclude that in ' ' continuidade' ' of the process already would have existed the dreamed perfection, and from there? It swims modifies the Real vision of the system. We only possess the thought (is read = ' ' evolution instintiva' ') what it is the perfect condition to increase our longevity, to put so important how much the instincts of a bacterium (in its universe) for its survival. What it can make look like a frustration for our pride, if to analyze, I oppose is it. It is our real position, in our universe. It does not have comparison of evolution or any concept, in this platform.

We must, yes, to have pride to be able to help our half-existing one (to get greater use/knowledge of the brain) and to prove many pleasures in the directions that we possess. Truily, it does not have conjugao of verb to say something so obvious how much: ' ' always existimos' ' , it does not import the infinite forms, in the infinite space, for the eternity But organicly and limitadamente, independe of our will TO FEEL always to continue and is wonderful and complete this small vision. Bigger abrangncia would exceed the level of the reasoning of ours limits of the imaginable one and our INSTINCTS to live. Words, thoughts, actions etc only modify our known environment, but they do not modify/add no structure in depth! Simple question: It would be complicated to explain the theory of relativity to a protozorio, but not complicated (impossible) it would be, also, to try to summarize the understanding of the Infinite in limitations of our instinctive evolution (instinct of survival or to pensar=reproduzir=matar=comer is read).

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